Agenda for Next meeting Monday, 1st July 2019

  1. Apologies
  2. .Minutes of meeting 13 May 2019
  3. .Matters arising
  4. Chairman’s Report
  5. . Reports from other Directors:   Forward Planning Group (Kingston House Gardens, High Street etc)
  6. Planning Report and Heritage Action Zone report
  7. Health Report – out come of a very recent meeting
  8. A.O.B. (one item of which is a request for a VERY part-time minute taker).

Hope to see you there

Caroline Brown (Chairman)

Next Meeting: Monday 13 May 7.00 for 7.30 in the Leatherhead Methodist Church

The Agenda:


Minutes of the last Open Meeting (i.e. February)

Matters Arising

The Chairman’s Report

Other Reports:  Planning, Forward Planning, Police Forum, Environment, Parking petition, Race Night

Our Speaker, Dr. Mark Jones from the Ashlea Practice in Fairfield Road.   He will talk about the current difficulties facing the Practice and the other kinds of help and guidance his team gives.

(AOB may have to be curtailed).

Next meeting: Monday,  1st July, no meeting in June.

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2019


Apologies for absence

Approval of the Minutes of the previous AGM, 4 June 2018 (see under Reports/Minutes on this website)

Matters arising

Chairman’s Report (as above)

Treasurer’s Report and Accounts (as above)

Re-election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman (see under Chairman’s Report for Proxy form)

Any other business

Documents in brackets above are also visible in the Leatherhead Library in Mansion house, Church Street, and in the the library of the Letherhead Institute at the top  of the High Street from 14 March.

Agenda for 4th February at 7.30 in the Methodist Church

Agenda for the meeting on 4 February 2019 In the Methodist Church.


2 Approval of the Minutes for the last meeting on 7th January 2019.

3 The Chairman’s report

Other reports: High Street Parking Petition


Forward Planning

Traffic survey re Park Rise and Upper. Fairfield Road


  1. AOB


Other ideas which could be included by me or by someone else:

C&J House

Community Housing Partnership

CIL or Section 106 Money

Any other Fraud stories?

The Race Night


Next LRA meeting, Monday 7th January, 7.15 for 7.30 in the Methodist Church Hall

Agenda: This is a social meeting where we will be having some nibbles and tea or coffee.

The Chairman will bring up, briefly, the subject of the SES Waterworks, Highland Farm, Gatwick expansion, Parking in the High Street and the Planning Application for Claire and James House.

It would also be helpful if members could remember to pay their subs if theirs is expiring at the end of December.

Agenda for 5 November

If there any questions to come under AOB, please let the Chairman know at the start.

  • Apologies for absence
  • Minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2018
  • Matters arising not listed elsewhere on the Agenda
  •  Chairman’s Report
  • Other Reports:  a. High Street Petition

b. Forward Planning (Martyn Williams)

c. Planning Report (Fran Smith)

d. Environment Report and Newsletter update

  • AOB
  • Next   meeting January 7th 2019 in the METHODIST CHURCH

Agenda for 1st October 2018

(Are there any questions to come under AOB?  Please let the Chairman know)

  1. Apologies for absence:  Tim Hall, Cheryl Allen, Joe Crome

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 20th August 2018

3. Matters arising not listed elsewhere on the Agenda

4. Chairman’s report

5. Other reports:

SDCCG represented by Gill Hanson

High Street Parking petition (Sue Leveritt)

FPG (Forward Planning Group)

Planning Report (Fran Smith)

Environment Report (from Cheryl Allen)

6. Our next Newsletter plus Ashtead & Leatherhead Local – articles requested

7. (if there is any) AOB

8. Next meeting Monday 5th November in the ADH.

Agenda for 20th August 2018

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th June 2018
  3. Matters arising not listed elsewhere
  4. Chairman’s report – given by our Vice-Chair, Hubert Carr.
  5. Other reports:
  • Forward Planning by Martyn Williams
  • High Street Business petition by Susan Leveritt
  • Planning Applications (if any) by Fran Smith
  • The push for a Police presence in town by Tony Russell
  • Report from the meeting of the Epsom and St. Helier Hospital Trust*
  1. Publicity:  The Ashtead and Leatherhead Local, members are urged to write something about issues that they care about.    We are also anxious to receive articles for our Newletter which will be assembled in October.
  2. AOB and Dates for diaries:  We are still looking for a kind person to take the Minutes of two of our meetings each year.   Email ability essential but nothing more.   Other people will do the other meetings and other tasks.
  3. Date of next meeting:  Monday, 1st October in G6

*A helpful booklet outlining the pros and cons being faced by the Trust is available either from the Ashlea Surgery (on a table at the back) or online <>