The Leatherhead Residents' Association (LRA) is structured as a Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number 10248803). This ensures that in the unlikely event of default the liability of any member is limited to the guarantee sum of £1.00
The Company is managed on a volunteer basis by its Board of Directors(D) and Officers (O)
Chairman | Caroline Brown | (D) |
Secretary | Post Vacant | (O) |
Treasurer | Paula Sabine | (D) |
Highways Chair | Tony Russell | (D) |
Forward Planning Chair | Martyn Williams | (D) |
Administration | Louise Herrity | (D) |
Planning Chair | Frances Barnby-Smith | (D) |
Environment / Health | Hilary Porter | (D) |
The LRA meets around four times a year on the first Monday of April, July, October and January. We look forward to welcoming all members, councillors and members of the public (see Notices for date & agenda of the next meeting).
All LRA activities are covered by public liability insurance for third-party injury or damage to property. LRA members undertake activities at their own risk, although the Directors make every effort to minimize the risk of accidents.
What We Do
» Local Government: liaising with County and District Councils on major transport and development proposals
» Planning: supporting residents with representations on planning applications, where appropriate.
» Environment: promoting the conservation of open spaces, trees, footpaths and the Green Belt.
» Transport: promoting improvements to the Town's traffic management, parking and public transport.
» Health: advocating for the proper provision of health, social service and recreation facilities.
» Fundraising: organising The Open Gardens Day, Race Nights and Coffee Mornings with Plant Sales to raise funds for environmental improvements including planters in the High Street, anti- litter campaigns and the clearing of the River banks
» Community Support: liaising with and supporting local action groups (Fetcham/Leatherhead Flood Forum and Norbury Park Liaison Group)
Rules & Regulations
The following documents can be found under 'Regulations' in the Documents section of the website:
Articles of Association
Standing Orders
Code of Conduct
Terms of Reference
» Health: the Committee acts as an inter-face between residents and statutory and private health/welfare providers, to provide information and to ensure the best possible service provision.
» Planning: the Committee monitors planning applications submitted to the Council and, where appropriate, expresses residents’ views thereon by lodging Letters of Representation.
» Environment: the Committee monitors and seeks to promote the improvement of the physical environment of the Town. Work includes campaigning for better flood prevention, organising anti-litter campaigns and arranging the annual “Open Gardens Day” event, which raises money for flowers in the High Street and other environmental causes.
» Highways: the Committee concerns itself with all matters relating to roads, pavements, traffic and parking. It represents residents’ views on these matters to the District and County Councils responsible for their provision.
» Forward Planning: the Group represents residents’ views on long-term planning/development matters and, where appropriate, makes formal representations in respect thereof.
» Membership & Publicity: the Committee maintains membership records, keeps members informed of meetings and items of interest and promotes initiatives for the recruitment of new members.